Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Orem’s Theory and Family Health Nursing Essay

In the presentation of a theoretical discussion on the concept of self care with particular considerations for family nursing practice, the concept of self-care is mainly known in Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of nursing. Orem’s theory views the individual as a self-care agent with unique needs which will affect family health thereby providing support that health education and evaluation is the main role of nurses (Cody, 2006:308). Nurses according to Cody believes that family models complement the nursing models to provide a more holistic and comprehensive perspective of clients and their concerns (2006:308). Orem’s theory has therefore a clinical applicability at home in the growing demand for home-based health nursing services. The theory has provided that practice will be grounded in evidence–based clinical knowledge and skills within the framework of family, home and community concepts (Orem, 2001:2). Likewise, as self–care has been introduced and incorporated into the practice of community health a provision has included the provision of care to families and other healthcare givers while giving utmost concern to the individual needs of patients and clients. Ali analyzed distinct models presented in 1990 which included Orem’s theory and decided that Orem’s self-care theory should encourage nurses to anticipate the potential problems which include family circumstances in family health planning from which a care plan can be derived (Dolan and Holt, 2000:4). Such findings catapulted into evolution the support for Orem’s theory in the actual process of providing care for the patient and his family and the provision of a health continuum for everyone. Orem’s theory can be used to categorize, understand, predict and alter behavior of both sick and well individuals that is therapeutic in maintaining life and health and in the recovery from disease or injury, or in coping with their effects (Orem, 2001: 82). This presupposes that there is no limit on the provision of care while validating all perceptions that the family is included in the paradigm of care to promote self-care abilities of the patient. We cannot discount the involvement of the family that entirely affects the health status of the individual. A particular example in this case would point to a hospitalized vehicular accident patient where after hospital treatment and rehabilitation is ordered to complete his recovery at home. Completing the period of recovery at home necessitates his re-entry to his normal way of life prior to the accident. The family is therefore enhanced to effectively encourage the patient to attend to his self-care needs while staying on the sidelines yet supportively providing positive encouragement for the patient’s complete recovery. The effective role of nurses is providing family education for the benefit of adjustment to the temporary family role changes. Nurses at the same time bring to light the family models to compensate Orem’s nursing model and provide a more holistic approach to clients and their concerns (Cody, 2006: 308). In this time of cost containment, nurses in a given health care setting cannot lock horns with the Medicare illness models of home care that totally focuses on the individual patient alone (Harris, 2004: 131). Maintaining health is a priority and an ethical requirement for nurses that include the family particularly in home-based care provision, where the absence of one deems the effort â€Å"moot and academic†. The applicability of Orem’s theory in family health is therefore enhanced as community based nursing practice seeks to resolve the responsibility of the patient and family to be included in the nursing care plan (Harris, 2004:132). In the triage system, a problem-oriented approach encompasses assessment levels and Orem’s model can provide a framework for organized family nursing assessment, planning, intervention and evaluation (Dolan and Holt, 2000: 4). Using Orem’s model while negotiating a holistic approach where the family plays an important role is likewise seen in the above example where the family effectively participates in the planning of actions to help the patient effectively cope with his recovery while his self-integrity is maintained or even enhanced. The nurse must therefore include in her assessment the family’s perceptions toward the illness of a family member which is vital in the setting of goals as a means of promoting self-care to the ailing family member. This will pose as a challenge to the nurse as family members individual ideas may vary relative to the patient’s condition. It cannot be ignored that older members of the family may feel overly protected to the patient because of the existing relationship. This challenge can be overcome by the nurse as she effectively provides a choice of promoting Orem’s theory that each family member will comfortably take part with a concise goal of promoting human integrity of structure and functioning (Orem, 2001:522). Likewise, the individual needs of family members should also be looked into as the practice of activities are initiated and performed for the sick member to maintain life and health while promoting a sense of well-being for everyone (Orem, 2001: 43). The family thus plays an important and essential role for the individual patient, whether sick or well which thereby boosts the importance of Orem’s theory in the family health nursing practice. As a helping art for holistic care, family circumstances in family health planning should therefore be included as the derivatives in the formation of a care plan. The individual concepts of each family member will help identify goals while entertaining individual or group limitations that will affect in the implementation and evaluation. A family model is selected for use after the nurse gathers preliminary data about the family and identifies its unique and common patterns (Cody, 2006:308). As an example, Cody cited that a nurse can use Orem’s theory for a 9 year old child affected with ear infection and the mother’s treatment of the child while asserting that other family models will complement Orem’s model to enhance understanding of the family’s structure and functions (2006:308). Orem’s theory therefore provides a common language that enhance improved communication and consistency in the delivery of care while proposing that nurses play a key role in the achievement of self-care for which sophisticated communication skills, teaching skills and specialized knowledge and an awareness of the multiple factors affect the provision of care and enhances the role of the family in the value of health for everyone.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Global warming in relation Winston Churchill’s quote on painting Essay

Global warming in relation Winston Churchill’s quote on painting Introduction            In day-to-day life, challenges are common undertaking. However, some challenges are difficult to handle and it might be impossible to get a solution although their experience is worth in life. Increasing temperatures is one of the major challenges affecting the world. This was evident during vacation from the experience of high temperatures that resulted to uncomfortable spending. It was thought that the temperatures would decrease with time but as the fall approached the higher, they became. According to Friedman, (8) the world is becoming hotter because of global warming gases that are on increase. Both developed countries have tried to address the issue of global warming. Winston Churchill quote on painting is analogous to the ever-increasing temperatures and other effects such as hurricanes, drought, strong winds, floods in the world that are caused by high levels of global warming gases the world increasing commitment to address the issue despite no promising result that the problem will end. Although the world has made significant progress in addressing the issues of global warming through environmental movement and policies to reduce emission of greenhouse gases by developed countries, there seem to be no permanent solution to the problem especially with changing world economy to industrialization.            With the introduction of industrialization in the world, the world economy started changing from agricultural-dependent to manufacturing. The manufacturing economy was marked by use of machines that used fuel such as steam, oil, coal, and electricity. As a result, there was high emission of green house gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that led to global warming, which is the key cause of the rising temperatures in the world and other effects such as drought, floods, strong wings, hurricanes (27). The temperatures have increased over the years and especially in the 21st century. The increasing temperatures have led to the world becoming hot, which was one of the worst experiences in summer. One would think that the following day the temperatures would be falling but unfortunate the hotter it become. The world commitment to address global warming is heightening despite the unpromising solution to the problem.            The world has formed environmental movements to address the alarming effects of global warming. These movements include the Kyoto protocol, United Nations environmental committee, and other environmental organizations. They have discussed measures and developed strategies to reduce the greenhouse gases in developed countries in order to counter the effects of global warming. Countries under the Kyoto protocol agreed to reduce the greenhouse gases by 5% by year 2020. In addition, there was notable decrease of green house gases during the implementation of Kyoto protocol. Consequently, developing countries joined hands for the fight against global warming. The formation of these movements and agreement for member states to implement the policies was seen as progress toward the reduction of green house gases and significant decrease in global temperatures.            The Kyoto protocol and the climate change program led by United Nations framework convention have achieved most of their global warming goals by reducing the emissions of green house gases in countries like United States, Denmark and others. Consequently, more countries have continued to join Kyoto protocol and other environmental organizations to fight global warming. In addition, carbon free goods have been introduced in various markets in Europe and other continents to ensure that less greenhouse gases are emitted in the atmosphere. Other countries like United States have introduced electric vehicles that do not emit greenhouse gases. These initiatives coupled to many others have led to reduction of global warming gases in the atmosphere thus giving hope for the combating global warming.            Despite the promising agreements and states’ willingness to implement the policies, the world is still recording high levels of green house gases in the atmosphere. There has been high emission of the gases in developed countries and other countries that are joining the industrialised world. As a result, global warming effects have been on the rise and major catastrophic events have been on the rise. For example, hurricanes, flooding, drought has been on increase compared to decades ago. According to Friedman (148) hurricanes and droughts have been unusual recently due to increasing temperature that have been caused by people. Another challenge to the notable progress in addressing the global warming is the withdrawal of countries from the environmental movements. For example, New Zealand government made a decision not to renew its membership for Kyoto protocol come year 2015. The move will deny it from accessing carbon free market, which might trigger the r ise of the green house gases in the country and consequence increase of global warming in the world.            The initiative by the world to address the global warming challenge through environmental organizations such as United Nations and Kyoto protocol is a progress toward reduction of green house gases as depicted in Churchill’s quote on painting. Consequently, the commitment of the countries to reduce the emission of the green house gasses by 5% by year 2020 is a fruitful step of the initial progress. Moreover, the achievement of the world to avoid more than 1.5 billion tonnes of green house gases (CO2) is a fruitful step and ever improving global warming fight (410). The ever-increasing support of reducing greenhouse gases by different countries and continents is another move that indicating fruitful step. In The introduction of electric motor vehicles and carbon, free market in most of the countries is an ever-lengthening step. In addition, the global reduction of greenhouse gases level is another ever-improving step and ever-ascending order. However, the wit hdrawal of countries like New Zealand is a drawback to the problem coupled to few countries that have relaxed restrictions on carbon emission. Moreover, the increasing numbers and strength of hurricanes, strong winds and floods in America and Europe is an indication that the problem of global warming may never end (80). However, the increasing research and introduction of carbon free markets and achievement of reduced greenhouse gases levels in the world give the joy of every trying to address the global warming issue. Conclusion            The global warming issues in the world that s been experienced through increased temperatures, increased number of hurricanes, strong winds, and floods and the world’s effort to combat it through various measures is analogous to Churchill’s quote on painting. Although there have been progress day by day, the problem seem like it will never have an end. However, the increased research and approaches being used to address the problems gives joy of some achievements. Consequently, the experience of increased temperatures during summer vacation reflects the effects of global warming and that despite the world commitment the temperature seems to be ever increasing. References Friedman, Thomas L.  Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution-and How It Can Renew America. New York: Picador, 2009. Print. Winston Churchill (nd). â€Å"Painting as a Pastime,† Thoughts and Adventures. Print. Source document

Monday, July 29, 2019

Most Americans should not use credit cards Essay

Most Americans should not use credit cards - Essay Example Yet, while banks use this threat of increased risk to justify the higher interest rates, the same institutions also charge significant late fees, overdraft penalties, and debt-collection surcharges on consumers when they miss payments or go into default. These additional fees are included in the fine print of credit card agreement statements that few people bother to read or study before signing up with a bank. Consequently, credit cards can lead to significantly higher charges over time for the same retail items than if the identical goods were purchased with cash or second-hand at a discount. Because many retail purchases such as electronics, automobiles, or other appliances can lose as much as 50% of their value against new item prices when they are used, there often is no opportunity for consumers to resell goods purchased with credit for the same price as the original item. These factors combine to make credit card use personally inadvisable for most consumers, though society pr esents few options in alternative to this form of lending. Economists, financial advisors, and analysts have been warning consumers for decades about the serious consequences that the use of credit cards for purchases can have on a family budget. However, the use of credit cards can also have wider and more subtle social effects that even change the fundamental values of a culture. George Ritzer (1995), author of â€Å"The McDonaldization of Society,† described some of these issues, writing about the globalization of consumer credit card culture and its values, which leads to â€Å"†¦consumerism and indebtedness, fraud, invasion of privacy, rationalization and dehumanization, and homogenization stemming from increasing Americanization.† (Ritzer, 1995) Consumerism can be viewed as a value system which replaces traditional community symbols such as those found in religion, nationalism, and ethnic identities with a status-based symbolic hierarchy founded in displays of wealth through conspicuous consumption. In its crudest form, the person who has the most wealth has the greatest amount of power and status in a society, and this is reflected in mainstream values by the subtle distinctions made between individuals based on their manner of dress, collection of consumer gadgetry, or other symbolic displays of purchasing power. While some individuals may reject this value system in favor of more traditional or forward-thinking models, the stereotypes of consumerist behavior are repeated incessantly through popular media where advertising and entertainment are joined with a consumerist worldview that values people based upon what they buy rather than what they create or express. Critically, it can be argued that such a transition impoverishes America and the world when it is exported, in that these values are false, manipulated, and designed to fuel corporate profits for a minority of society rather than promote what is good and progressive for the greater whole of the global community. Paul Heidhues and Boton Koszegi discussed the manipulation of consumer behavior in the sale and marketing of credit cards within the larger consumerist system of values in their study â€Å"Exploiting Naivete about Self-Control in the Credit Market†. (Heidhues and Koszegi, 2010) These researchers argue that the cultural programming of individuals to seek â€Å"

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The stages of the product life cycle and the marketing strategies Essay

The stages of the product life cycle and the marketing strategies - Essay Example Moreover, product life cycle ends with the removal of that product from the specific market place. Product life cycle can be characterized by several stages, such as research, development, introduction, growth, maturity, decline and obsolescence (Moore, Palich and Petty, 2006, p.312). Each and every stage is generally linked with the changes in the streams of parts, raw materials and distribution of the products. Generally product life cycle includes four traditional stages, such as introduction, growth, maturity and decline. These four stages of product life cycle are described below. Low sales growth rate of the products is the major characteristic of the introduction stage. In introduction stage the organizations launch or introduce new products in the market. Monopoly can be developed by the organizations depending upon the need and efficiency of the products to the customers (Saaksvuori and Immonen, 2011, p.103). During this stage the organizations generally accrue losses rather than business profit. It is true that if the organizations introduce products of new product class, the target customers may not be aware of true effectiveness and potential of these products. It is important for the organization to transfer information about the product among the target customers through several Medias in order to achieve potential competitive edge within the market place (Kumar and Korb, 2005, p.21). Introduction stage has two major characteristics namely low market competition and incurring loss rather than profit. Major characteristics of the growth stage are customers become responsive towards new products and growth of sales. This growth comes through the innovation’s acceptance by the target customers. Organizations generally enjoy significant business profit through their new products in this growth stage (Stark, 2011, p.32). If the organization can maintain the monopoly, they can experiment with innovation and several new effective ideas to maintain the sales growth. Growth stage is the appropriate time to introduce other new effective products in the competitive market place (Soenen and Olling, 2003, p.54). It creates an effective product image among the target customers and its competitors. During maturity stage, the sales and growth rate of the products gradually slowdown as the products have already achieved huge acceptance in the competitive market place (Wang and Gupta, 2011, p.239). New organizations start to experiment by innovative product models and strategies in order t o compete in the saturated market place. Competition for the target customers get fierce due to existence of many organizations, despite the increase of sales and growth rate at the initial phase of this maturity stage (Roebuck, 2011, p.76). At the beginning of this maturity stage, the business profit decreases due to aggressive competition within the market place. In addition, maturity stage of the product development is very much essential for the organizations to avoid decline stage of the products. Several products die and get wiped out from the market place in this decline stage due to the low sales’ growth rate of the products. Several organizations share the same competition. It makes difficult for all the entrants to control and maintain the sustainability of the sales levels (Frenken, 2006, p.133). Product category and efficiency of the organization become important factors in this decline stage as the target customers and market may perceive the specific product as the old product may lack potentiality and effectiveness. Lower demand of the products is the major characteristic of the decline

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Approach to Shared Decision-Making in Nursing Literature review

Approach to Shared Decision-Making in Nursing - Literature review Example The title is a very important component of a research article. It should be capable of capturing the articles’ major variables concepts and the methods involved (Kaplan 2012). A careful look at the research article under focus, the authors have captured diverse aspects of the study in the title. Firstly, the program under consideration is very clearly defined, IP-SDM. Secondly, it goes further to specify on the particular area under investigation, which happens to be the intentions of the healthcare providers as they engage in the program. These two aspects make the title accurate and specific on the issue being discussed in the article. It is also clear the type of participants that are involved in the study from the title, those health workers in home care programs. However, the authors take a global perspective in the methodology used. The title mentions in broad terms that the research uses mixed methods without a clear definition of what are those ‘mixed methodsâ₠¬â„¢. The length of the title is desirable; this is because it carries diverse aspects under investigation that cannot be assumed. It is descriptive and informative, just from a first look it is likely that one is capable of capturing the parameters under investigations and the variable involved. Largely the title is the best impression that gives a view of what to expect in the main body of the article, and sure enough, Legare et al. successfully captures most of the aspects. (Università © Laval 2013).... Subjects The research has clearly identified the subjects in the study. Sample selection A large sample size was considered to take care of the mixed methodology approach that was taken in the research. The sample was selected from various health centres and featured 126 heath care providers. Data collection Data collected collection was efficiently done through a survey, filling in of questionnaires and use of focus groups. The instruments used are reliable and valid as stated in the research paper. Ethical considerations There was involvement of ethical considerations by the researchers. Firstly, data collection using the various tools was based on willingness of individuals. Secondly, the participants understood what the research entailed before engaging with it. In addition, their confidentiality and anonymity was assured. The research has not declared whether it had approval from the ethical committee. Results The results have been tabulated clearly. They have demonstrated consi stency with other previous works. From the results it is possible to project the conclusions. Data analysis Data has been well analysed especially because it was qualitative. The analysis is sufficient to demonstrate the relationship between the test variables. Discussion The research paper has clearly defined the relationship between the results and the test variables. They have attempted to balance between the aspects that are supported by the findings as well as those that do not. They have also gone a step ahead to provide the implications of the findings to the health sector. The discussion is deficient of the weaknesses of the study that may have made the results unreliable. Conclusions The conclusions are very

Martin Wong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Martin Wong - Essay Example He focused his attention completely to painting. His move to New York came as a friendly challenge. He did drawings and made ceramics at art fairs. He was known as Human Instamatic before then. He made $7.5 per portrait he drew. By 1978, his record had been 27 fairs in a single day. His friends challenged him to move to New York since he was evidently superb at his job. Although the works of Martin Worth inspired the growth of hip hop culture, his creative arts leaves little to be desired in perpetuating societal values. Wong’s mature career began a few years before moving to New York. The works ranged from heartfelt renderings of the decaying Lower East Sides to playful and almost kitschy depictions of China Towns of San Francisco and New York. He drew and painted traffic signs for the hearing impaired too. Perhaps, the best known and remembered collaborative works of Wong is the alliance between him and Miguel Pinero, the Nuyorican poet. His paintings often combined the poetry of Pinero and the painstaking stylized finger spellings and cityscapes he drew and painted. The artist’s Loisaida pieces coupled with his collaboration with Pinero formed part of the Nuyorican movement (Wong 12). Nuyorican Movement that Wong became a significant part of refers to an intellectual and cultural movement that involves poets, artists, writers and musicians who are Puerto Rican descendents or have association with Puerto Rico and live near New York. He joined the group that had his origin in the 1960s and 1970s within the neighborhoods such as East Harlem, South Bronx and Loisaida as a means to validate the Puerto Rican experience in the United States of America. It was meant to better the standards of the poor and the working class populaces that suffered from ostracism, marginalization and discrimination. The term that they gave the group of artists was used as an insult until renowned artists such as Miguel Algarin

Friday, July 26, 2019

Personal paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Personal paper - Essay Example While growing up, I had a deep desire within me to pursue and advance my career in film production. This instigated my desire to advance my studies in high school and college. At some point, I was unable to full attain my goals until now when I discovered this internship. I must admit that this internship has changed my perception as a film producer in the marketplace. In my internship, I have learnt that my career is more of a personal experience than being taught in the classroom. I have gained great insights on entertainment industry specifically about film production. My experience in this internship has adequately prepared me to understand what is required to shoot a film or a commercial. I have been motivated to apply in different placements such as TV Board and MN film. I am privileged to understand the things that take place when shooting a film such as the best location to make the movie, the equipments required, and the funding just to name a few. In life, mentors cannot be underestimated in that they help many people understand their personal and career goals. Craig Rice has been a great mentor in my career in that he has equipped me with skills and abilities that help one to become a competent film producer. With this, I am ready to face the modern world that value films and commercial adverts. When we first met, Craig promised me that he would usher me in my career as a producer. Since I met him, I have discovered more about myself especially in the arena of film production. I have expanded my knowledge in the film production by ensuring that I am challenging myself. This internship has been a tremendous opportunity to integrate practices and theories that I learnt in high school and college. I have studied a lot of practice in my classes, and even applied some to application. However, this internship has changed my role as an observer to being more of an active participant in the field. My experience has challenged my theoretical base in the class room in that I practically utilized what I have been taught in the classroom to the field. My knowledge in film production has increased from one level to the other. As previously mentioned, I have learnt how to make a film or a commercial and the best location that suit the production process. I have developed some principles in my work. In essence, I have obtained these principles from my personal experiences in school, in the workplace, and life. The intern has helped me understand what my weaknesses and strengths are in given situations. Understanding what works for me has expanded my skills in my area of professionalism. I have moved into another phase of learning where the focus differs from learning the work to understanding and learning how to perform the task effectively. This internship has helped me to acquire new skills and abilities, and I am now grateful since I can think about skill development in broad terms. Internship is an opportunity for a student to measure thei r learning in class to the actual work. The knowledge and skills acquired from the class can be applied in the field and will effectively help a student succeed in their work (Frederick and King 8). The greatest importance of attending an internship is to understand the real issues inherent in the field, as opposed to the theoretical learning in the class. It is more of a practical class that is not learnt in a learning institution. Skills are acquired, which help the intern to handle similar situations in their jobs.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

GOOGLE - Research the company's history from inception to the present Paper

GOOGLE - the company's history from inception to the present. Write a detailing the company's history. In par - Research Paper Example That was when Google was born. Several days of brainstorming resulted in a name called ‘Google’ which is still used today. In august 1997, a $100,000 check was signed by co-founder Andy Bechtolsheim for Google Inc. which didn’t have any existence yet. Google’s first work place was established in Susan Wojcicki garage in the following September. On September 4, Google filed for incorporation and after that, Sergey and Larry opened a bank account in Google’s name and deposited the check signed by Andy (Brin, Sergey, and Larry Page). In December 1998, Google was reported as a search engine for Top 100 Web Sites for 1998. In 1999, the garage office was abandoned by Page and Sergey to move to 165 University Avenue located in Palo Alto with a team of eight employees. The first non-engineer, Omid Kordestani joined in May 1999 as a salesperson. In August 1999, Google Inc. moved to its first Mountain View area at 2400 E. Bayshore. It was few miles from Stanfo rd University which is north of Silicon Valley, Santa Clara, Sunnyvale, and San Jose (Battelle, John; pgs 130-140). In 1999, Google realized that its search engine can exist on its own, and emphasize on something that most competitors were reducing focus on – a total emphasis on search and no cluttered homepage. The logo was a bit ugly at that time but this problem was solved in 2000. Â  On April 1, 2000 Google came up with Mental Plex which introduced the capability of Google to read a person’s mind as he or she visualizes the search results he or she wants. In May 2000, first ten languages of were released. First Webby Award was given to Google as Technical Achievement (Vise, David A, and Mark Malseed; pages 30-40). June 2000 marked Google’s partnership with Yahoo to become Yahoo’s default search engine. The first billion URL index was also announced in this month and Google became world’s biggest search provider. Google survived the contagious Y2K bug in 2000 and was named the ‘Best Search Engine’ by Internet Life Yahoo. In September, 2000 Google Inc began to offer other languages such as Korean, Japanese, and Chinese; thus bringing the total count of languages that Google offers to fifteen. The AdWords was launched with three hundred and fifty customers in October. This self-service advertisement program gives online activation with credit card, performance feedback and keyword targeting. Google Toolbar was released in December 2000 which makes it easier to search without actually visiting homepage of (Vise, David A, and Mark Malseed; pages 30-40). In 2001, Google Inc. came up with new services such as Google Web Directory, Google Groups, etc. 2001 can be considered the year where everyone in the world knew Google; however its growth has been rapid since its growth. Google began to show how many pages you have searched above the search box (this feature did not survive though). In Febru ary 2001, first public acquisition of Google was taken by which is an archive of 500 million user net discussion. Google was now offered in twenty six different languages and image search was launched giving an access to about two hundred and fifty million pictures. First international office was opened in Tokyo (Vise, David A, and Mark Malseed; pages 100-120). In August 2001, Eric Schmidt became the Chief

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Importance of Eminent Domain and the Negative Financial Effect Essay

Importance of Eminent Domain and the Negative Financial Effect - Essay Example This paper seeks to explain the economic importance of eminent domain and the negative financial effect it has on ordinary citizens. Eminent domain has helped in economic development as it has provided land that has revitalized communities and increased the welfare of cities and states (Godwin 69). It has enabled smart growth. Eminent domain has helped to correlate development and improvement of the quality of life. It promotes development with economic cautiousness and it does keeping in mind environmental prudence. Eminent domain offers the government with the power to be able to assemble or utilize underutilized land or the land portion in depressing and decaying neighborhoods. This helps in revitalizing such areas so that can help economic development. Over the years, there are various case studies that have revealed the significance of eminent domain and how it has helped the government to assemble different parts of land in order to promote economic development. This has helped to savage depressed or failing communities. Eminent domain has also led to economic development or ordinary citizens. In Lakewood, Colorado there was a Villa Italia Mall that was approximately 1.4 million square feet. This was an area of gross leasable. In the early 1990s, the land began to decline. The city later initialed eminent domain proceedings in the quest to acquire this land. This was closely monitored and orchestrated by Continuum as the proposed a new city plan. From this proceedings, they anticipated sales tax revenues of about 90$ million with a future projection over the next 20 years. Up until now Belmar is known as Lakewood’s thriving and uprising downtown. The second case that has shown the importance of eminent domain is of Best Buy that is located in Richfield, Minnesota. Best Buy decided to purchase a headquarters complex that was about the area square of 43 acre in the year 2000. This was not taken lightly and, after the condemnation proceedings, the cou rt had to intermediate this issue. The case was ruled in favor of Best Buy. They were able to acquire the land and were able to relocate their offices to this place by March 2003 (Mich 70). Economists assert that it is possible for the redeveloped site to be generating about 8$ million on a yearly basis. This is about ten times what was initially gotten as taxes from that land. Eminent domain has also helped in making the life of ordinary people safer and their environment much habitable. A case to support this fact is the New York City’s Time Square. Back in 1980 there was a memorandum of understanding between Empire State Development Corporation with regards to the development of the 42nd St. This project was focused on building new offices towers hotels entertainment facilities amongst other improvements. This eventually turned Times Square into a lively center that has shopping, entertainment and business facilities. This Corporation was able to purchase parcels of land t hrough two means. It was either through outright public development, regulation or condemnation. This parcel of land has been having constant public litigation and controversy. Revitalization of Times Square has made it to become a model for other cities to enumerate. Despite the importance of eminent domain to ordinary citizens, it has some negative financial effect on them. The major issues and challenges that eminent domain presents

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Raw Food Diet report Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Raw Food Diet report - Research Paper Example The benefits of raw foods can be seen and felt in society today as these dietary changes continue to evolve enabling individuals to escape the fast lifestyle that was and is still developing in many parts of the world. The natural enzymes that are found in these raw foods often combat diseases that make their way into the body, and at the same time, work on improving digestion. Minerals, vitamins, and fiber are the main elements in these foods and are essential in boosting the immune system’s functions. Due to the lack of high sodium, fat, or calorie content in these natural foods, assumptions are made that they assist individuals in reducing weight. Eating fruits and vegetables may assist in keeping blood pressure and cholesterol at bay (Ungar, 2007). This is if this pattern is complimented by low fat and salt consumption. As this diet assists in controlling body weight, it is assumed that it may also assist in controlling or regulating diabetes. There are some limitations to following a diet that simply revolves around raw foods. Protein, an essential element in the development of an individual, may present a challenge for some the raw foods present. Seeds and nuts can provide these protein needs, but they need to be consumed in rather large quantities in order to fulfill the dietary requirements. In order to acquire certain vitamins found only in animals, for example; vitamin B12, individuals on a raw food diet may be required to use supplements to satisfy this dietary requirement. Calories may be seen as a detrimental aspect in countless diets, but it is essential in the human body. Raw food diets and their low calorie content require that individuals consume a lot in order to satisfy this requirement in their diet (Ungar, 2007). Raw food diets may run into the issue of poisoning, especially if there is the issue of being undercooked. Individuals who eat meat may want to pay close attention to this problem as it

Monday, July 22, 2019

Racial Profiling Essay Example for Free

Racial Profiling Essay Racial profiling has been a very heated issue from past few years. Race and location are the dominant characteristics authorities look at when engaging in this type of profiling. The undeniable pattern of race-based stops by police is a dilemma that millions of African-American and Latino-American motorists regularly encounter on this countrys highways. This phenomenon has been sardonically dubbed as being pulled over for DWB (Driving While Black or Brown). This play on words of DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) refers to the commonly employed police practice of using an alleged traffic violation as a pretext to stop any black or Hispanic motorist they suspect of being involved in criminal activity unrelated to driving. These officers have no legal cause for carrying out the stop besides enforcing traffic regulations. Being subjected to a DWB stop is, according to House Representative John Conyers Jr., an experience that virtually every African-American male has been subjected to. (American Civil Liberties Union online). However, when someone says that there is a difference between white and black people, everyone is afraid they may offend someone, or come across as a racist. The basic fact is there are differences between races. Every race is different is some way, not white or black people. This is not to say that one race is better or should be treated better It is saying there is a difference for example; each race has its own cultural background, which can cause language barriers. Also different races have different views on how things should be done and this can cause conflicts locally or nationally. Although some observers claim that racial profiling doesnt exist, there is a plenty of stories and statistics that document the practice. One case where law enforcement officers were particularly bold in their declaration of intent involved U.S. Forest Service officers in Californias Mendocino National Forest last year. In an attempt to stop marijuana growing, forest rangers were told to question all  Hispanics whose cars were stopped, regardless of whether pot was actually found in their vehicles. The practice of racial profiling has been a prominent topic for the past several years. In this February address to Congress, President George W. Bush reported that he had asked Attorney General John Ashcroft to develop specific recommendations to end racial profiling. Its wrong, and we will end it in America. (The Myth of Racial Profiling online.) Minorities are not only more likely to be stopped than whites, but they are also often pressured to allow searches of their vehicles, and they are more likely to allow such searches. Once the police officer has legally stopped the vehicle, the harm of being discriminated against unfortunately does not end. Besides being subjected to unwanted delay, the officer now has the opportunity to investigate for evidence of criminal activity completely separate and unrelated to the traffic violation. The entire interior of the car is now exposed to the eyes of the officer, allowing him to discover and seize any objects that are potentially incriminating within his plain view. If a legal arrest of the driver can be made, the arresting officer is justified to conduct a full-fledged body Search  of the motorist and the entire interior of the car. However, in the majority of cases, the police officer is unable to view anything criminal in plain view or able to find a legal justification for arresting the driver based on the traffic violation. But the probing nature of the officers investigation does not end here. The officer does not issue a ticket or warning and allow the driver to go, but he will attempt to obtain consent from the driver to search. Although drivers are under no legal obligation to consent, many still do. Motorists simply arent fully aware that they can refuse. The Constitution does not require the police to inform citizens they can freely withhold consent from the officer. However, the use of class probability in police investigations is correctly regarded with extreme suspicion, as it violates a basic principle of  justice: The legal system should treat all citizens equally, until there is specific, credible evidence that they have committed a crime. In the case that was discussed, we can say that the odds that any particular young black or Hispanic man will be hassled by the police are much higher than for a white man who, aside from his race, is demographically indistinguishable from him. These minority men, no matter how law-abiding they are, know that they will be investigated by the police significantly more often than other citizens who are not members of their racial group. It did not take long for those in law enforcement to conclude that their best pull would come from seizing goods from who lack the resources to win them back. In one highly publicized case that occurred in 1991,federal authorities at the Nashville airport took more than $9,000 in cash from Willie Jones, a black landscaper who was flying to Houston in order to purchase shrubs. According to the police, that money could have  been used to purchase drugs. After spending thousands of dollars and two years on the case, the landscaper was able to convince the courts to return most of the seized cash. (Jhon Cohen, 2000). Sam Thach, a Vietnamese immigrant, found himself in a similar situation last year. He was relieved of $147,000 by the DEA while traveling on Amtrak. Thach was investigated because the details of his ticket purchase, which Amtrak shared with the DEA, fit the profile of a drug courier. He was not charged with any crime and is now fighting to retrieve his money in federal court. (Gene Callahen Online). Some racial profiling defenders agree that the drug war bears a large part of the blame for racial profiling. Many of the stop-and-search cases that brought this matter into the headlines were part of the so-called war on drugs, (Gene Callahan Online). He contends that even if drugs were legalized tomorrow, the practice would continue. If we really wish to end the scourge of racial profiling, we must address its roots: drug laws that encourage police to consider members of broad groups as probable criminals. We must redirect law enforcement toward solving specific, known crimes using the particular evidence available to them about that crime. Whatever ones opinion on drug legalization may be, its easy to agree that the state of seizure law in America is reprehensible, even given last years minor federal reforms. It should be obvious that theres something nutty about a legal system that assumes suspects in murder, robbery, and rape cases are innocent until a trial proves otherwise, but assumes that a landscaper carrying some cash is guilty of drug trafficking. Work Cited Arrest the racism. David A Harris. On-Line, Dec4th, 2001 American Renaissance (1999). Nov.25 2001 Heather Mac Donald. Myth of racial profiling, On-Line, Dec.4th, 2001 Is Jim Crow alive and well in America today. American Civil Liberties Union/ Freedom Network. On-Line, Dec4th, 2001. Jhon D. Cohen End of Racial Profiling Copyright 1999 Recruits Still Low, Randy Diamond, The Bergen Record. On-Line Dec. 4th, 2001. Roots of Racial PROFILING, Gene Callahan and William Anderson. Supt. Williams Sues NJ for Race Bias, Wendy Ruderman, New Jersey On-Line Dec.4th, 2001. Fired State Police

The Fairytale of Illusions Essay Example for Free

The Fairytale of Illusions Essay Once upon a time in a far away land unseen to man, there was a powerful realm called Fairytale country. The largest kingdom within Fairytale country was the Magical Kingdom which was owned by the selfish King Americus and Queen Eura. Magical Kingdom was a place filled with beauty, peace, and harmony. It was considered as such because of the beautiful, peaceful, and harmonious people inside the Magical Castle. What most outsiders did not know was the fact that the ordinary residents of Magical Kingdom have a different outlook on their situation. There was no beauty in their place, no peace, and absolutely no harmony. The Magical Castle took no notice of these predicaments. They merely solved the residents’ problems by means of magic tricks and illusions that their problems have been solved. When the farmers would complain about the lack of compensation from the castle, the King and Queen would order their illusionists to make the farmers believe that they have increased their payment. This way, believing that they were being given more than enough of what they truly deserve, all the residents loved the King and Queen The beloved King and Queen of Magical Kingdom later bore an extraordinary princess by the name of Selene. The King and Queen were so proud of their only daughter that they invited the most famous and powerful fairies of Fairyland on Selene’s baptism to grant her eternal gifts. There were thirteen fairies present on the baptismal celebration. Only twelve were recognized and invited by the King and Queen. They blessed her with eternal gifts of beauty, wisdom, kindness, compassion, obedience, creativity, wealth, diligence, honesty, loyalty, innocence, and happiness. All these gifts were believed to stay with her for the rest of her life to restrict her in a life that was to be dictated by her parents. The King and the Queen were so delighted that their daughter would be expected to live a perfect and happy life just like the other princesses in the Fairytale country like Snow White, Belle, Aurora, and Rapunzel. They hurriedly instructed all their servants to prepare a glamorous feast for the newly-baptized baby. Amidst the festivity, no one ever noticed the thirteenth fairy who attended the baptism. The thirteenth fairy, a loner who mostly enjoyed the company of the ogres and dwarves in the forest, thought that the gifts for baby Selene were too common and boring. She knew of the King’s evil and misleading deeds so she initially planned to end the life of the child on her eighteenth birthday. Remaining hidden among the crowd, the fairy flew silently and slowly to the elegant cradle of the royal baby. â€Å"How indeed beautiful you are, young Selene,† the thirteenth fairy whispered softly. The innocent look on the baby’s face made her change her mind about the death wish she was about to cast to her. She realized that she cared too much for the town to ruin a potential rescuer. She decided to give her something that the other stupid and ignorant princesses of Fairytale country do not possess. â€Å"Today, I will grant you the most powerful gift—a gift that no other princess deserves to have. This gift will soon change the wicked and cruel ways of this kingdom. However, the gift will only manifest upon your 18th year on Fairytale country. † In a silent chant, she whispered the gift to the innocent Selene and disappeared into the crowd. Years passed by and Selene grew up into a fine young woman. She was extremely beautiful extrinsically and intrinsically. The people of Magical Kingdom adored her, and even the other princesses within the Fairytale country wished to be a friend of hers. At a very young age of fifteen, she had plenty of royal suitors who desired to marry her once she turned eighteen and become ready for the throne. Quite expectedly, her parents had already pre-arranged her future marriage to Prince Gorf of Marioland. He was the son of King Harry and Queen Hermione. Selene reluctantly agreed for the sake of her parents’ happiness. However, her secret friend, Lance, would always convince her not to give her consent. He was a secret friend because he was an ordinary boy from outside the castle who would regularly sent her charcoal sketches of the world outside by wrapping the paper around a rock and throwing it over towards her bedroom window. Lance would write her stories about the outside world which she found to be exactly the opposite of what she saw from her castle window. She would often write back asking more questions about the real world. Lance claimed it was hell outside, and what she merely saw from her window were illusions created by her parent’s magicians and illusionists. However, the King and Queen were quite strict in terms of her extreme friendliness with the ordinary residents of Magical Kingdom, so they kept the friendship secret. Later on, they stopped writing to each other when Lance accused the King and Queen of fooling their people. Selene never believed him because her parents would always remind her how good they were to the residents and how ungrateful these residents were to them. Despite these claims, Selene wondered why they prohibited her to roam outside the kingdom. â€Å"There are dangerous people outside our gardens, dear Selene. You are not to go beyond those fences for you might be held captive by rebels who wish to dethrone your father,† the King explained when Selene implied an interest in seeing the world outside the castle grounds. â€Å"We cannot please everybody even though how hard we try, my dear. † â€Å"Dethrone you? How can they possibly even think of replacing you? They owe you their life, father,† Selene protested with a puzzled look. She could not believe that there were even evil people who exist. This was the result of being given the gift of innocence. â€Å"Indeed, indeed,† the Queen interfered. â€Å"We have given them everything they need but still some of them abhor us. Yet, it is understandable, Selene. They are of the lesser beings. Please just promise us never to cross that fence. † Since she was gifted with obedience, she never dared to see the world outside the castle until the morning of her eighteenth year on Fairytale country. Early that morning, when most of the servants were still asleep and the guards’ eyes were half-closed, she woke up in haste with a strange feeling of curiosity. She suddenly got out of bed and silently roamed around the garden of the castle. She noticed the tall and heavily-cemented fence that separates the castle from the world outside. She thought she heard a sound coming from behind that fence. â€Å"Is someone there? † She called out softly afraid to awaken the guards on duty nearby. â€Å"Selene! † She heard someone replied at the other side. She recognized that familiar voice and that voice was the only person who never called her princess. â€Å"Selene, come out here. I’ve dug a hole for you where you can slip out of these fences. † Selene followed where she thought she heard the voice the loudest then looked down. There was a small hole beneath the stone fence where her small stature was capable of crawling out. â€Å"I can’t,† she hesitated. â€Å"What do you mean, you can’t? I’ve dug this hole for over a month to prove what you previously accused of me as lies,† Lance insisted. Finally, she gave in. She carefully bent down to ease her way through the small hole that Lance had hollowed out for her. She was transformed into a world much different to her previous one. She saw dead trees and starving animals. She caught sight of a seemingly deserted town very much opposite of the town she saw from her window view. She saw the rugged and tired image of Lance looking at her. One by one, the ordinary residents came walking towards her. All of them appeared to be starving and filthy. Nobody seemed to be the reflection of the nourished people her parents have described before. She could not believe it. â€Å"What is this place? † She asked in horror unable to believe she was just a few steps away from her castle. â€Å"This is your town, Selene,† Lance murmured in a sympathetic tone. â€Å"Help us, Princess†¦Ã¢â‚¬  she heard the approaching townspeople said. â€Å"Help us. † She was startled by the sudden bolt of thunder and lightning which pierced the sky. She noticed the sudden shift of the townspeople’s attention from her to the castle behind her. In shock, she had forgotten the existence of a place before her. She shifted her gaze to the castle. She stared in horror as she caught whole view of the castle’s repulsiveness. It was covered in dark moss, fully surrounded and enveloped by dark bulging clouds. The facade were ornamented with cracks and the towers were fully nested with ugly crows. It was not an image of beauty and absolutely not a place of peace and harmony. It was an image of darkness and evil only covered with elegant ornaments and illusions. Illusions—everything the princess have known before were merely illusions. Among the flock of trees, the thirteenth fairy smiled as she saw the look on the princess’ face. The fairy was torn between the feeling of pity towards the princess’ previous life of ignorance and delight that she had finally made her way outside that ignorance. Her eyes were finally opened to the real world outside her fairytale life. â€Å"At last, the gift of reality has already been consumed. †

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marxs critique of classical political economy

Marxs critique of classical political economy Classical political economy was a concept that dominated social thought within the nineteenth century; the development of such a period constituted a decisive stage within the attempt to understand the economic framework that essentially became relied upon for defining the basis of society. However Marx considered that the basis of the political economy ignored the prevalent relationship between elements of human alienation and exploitation that he argued derived from the inequalities caused by the condition of the capitalist political economy. When considering this further, Marx therefore relied upon an essential critique of the political economy in light of not only the previously mentioned relationship but similarly numerous other influential dynamics within the economy, as a consequence Marx continued to establish his critique of the economic system throughout his works in an attempt to ascertain true communism as a positive expression for the basis of society. The main concern when considering classical political economy is the regard of society as being a composition of various classes that functioned on the basis of economic purpose. Marx however recognised that in reality the theories surrounding classical political economy were unable to understand the significance of the economic purpose of the working class and the experienced struggle that consequently rooted itself within society. Marx therefore argued that the failure of classical political economy to separate human nature from the superficial construct of the economic class system possessed a dominant influence upon the ignorance of the proletarian class and the consequent focus upon the bourgeois class prevalent within society. Marx witnessed the inhumanity and irrationality surrounding human life and criticised it profusely in that the accepted capitalist economic system prevalent at the time considered it to be a natural occurrence with the progression of the economic system. As a consequence, Marx posited a class struggle between the proletarian and bourgeois economic classes, a struggle inherent and therefore inevitable within the capitalist, industrial society. With the increasing development of capitalism, class struggles became generalised across the economic system, Marxs critique consequently deemed class struggle as originating in the process of production and he therefore continued to argue that the conflict prevalent derives from the class antagonism of labour power. As a consequence of the class struggle the proletarian economic class were inevitably forced to sell their labour to achieve capital to survive and as a consequence Marx criticised that the capitalists had every intention of exploiting the labourers for maximum effectiveness within the production process, Capital is dead labor, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labor, and lives the more, the more labor it sucks. (Marx: 1990: 257). To theorise how the aforementioned exploitation became the routine within classical political economy Marx criticised how capitalism employed a standard, recognised framework by which the bourgeois minority monopolised the labouring majority in order to gain the most efficient means of production. When considering the previous criticisms of exploitation the influence upon human nature must also be recognised; it can be philosophised that Marx recognised that humans are fundamentally natural producers as he defined labour as mans self-confirm ing essence (Marx: 1833) and Marx therefore implemented a critique towards the evident distortion capitalism roots within human nature. It could be argued that the evident exploitation alienates the labourer from not only the act of production but similarly distances them from the products of their labour and as a consequence it has been argued that the alienation present becomes a process in which humanity progressively transforms into a stranger in a world created by labour (Swingewood: 2000). Furthermore, Marx continued to route his critique of the classical political economy within the establishment and understanding of the capitalist division of labour and its consequent exploitation and oppression of the proletarian economic class. Marx recognised that the division of labour within the economy succeeded in the efficient formation of profit and value and essentially agreed with Smith in that labour was the only real resource that constituted a productive economy yet his fundamental criticism was based upon the consequent exploitation of the labourer and their constant struggle within the economic system. Marx recognised within Smiths understanding of the political economy that he initially instigated an analysis of the capitalist mode of production. However, Marx continued to characterise that Smith in fact pays no concern to the operation of the inner foundations of the economic system and instead criticises Smith for merely recognising the immediate external and super ficial extraction of the benefits resulting from the successful implementation of the capitalist mode of production. When considering Smiths perspective further it becomes immediately evident that he accepted the proletarian struggle deriving from the economic division of labour as inconsequential and therefore argued that the exploitation was in fact the most successful method of capitalist production, consequently it could be argued that Smith degraded labourers to an abstract commodity within the production process as opposed to a living being. Furthermore, Marx criticised that Smith accepted that the desirability of the high productivity rate within his theory of the division of labour outweighed the evident exploitative costs, Political economy regards the proletarian like a horse, he must receive enough to enable him to work. It does not consider him, during the time when he is not working, as a human being (Marx: 1969), the consequent exploitation of the value of the labourer s contribution represented a qualitative increase in productivity within the production process and therefore an increase in profit for the bourgeois economic class regardless of the abhorrent conditions under which labourers are forced to work. It is therefore apparent as to Marxs justification behind his critique; Marx argued that Smiths dominantly capitalist perspective failed to initially recognise and therefore appreciate the standard of conditions that the proletarian labourers are forced to accept as adequate. Within the prevalence of the capitalist mode of production it can be considered that another fundamental element concerning the political economy is the recognition of the influence that the division of labour possesses upon the economic system. As a consequence of this, Ricardo proposed the Labour Theory of Value in an attempt to further understand the influence of labour value upon capitalist production techniques. The aforementioned theory proposes that the recognised value of goods is directly proportional to the extent of labour required throughout production. However, it is argued that Marx criticised that Ricardos thesis was essentially incomplete when considering the capitalist political economy as it disregards the exploitive nature of the income distribution between the bourgeois and the proletariat economic classes. Marx continued to criticise the capitalist mode of production as he connotes that the exchange value of goods was in fact deserved by the worker as opposed to the autocratic rule of the capitalist, however, as a consequence Marx proposed the concept of surplus value as a critique of the capitalist political economy. For Marx, the dominant increase in productivity resulted from the competitive and exploitive nature of the capitalists strife to obtain the maximum surplus value, or profit, possible from goods; it could therefore be argued that the surplus value obtained derives from the essentially unpaid labour appropriated by the capitalists within political economy. When considering the presentation of the aforementioned critique philosophised by Marx, his attempt to provide a solution for the criticisms of the political economy must also be examined. It could be argued that throughout his entire critique his desire to ascertain a sense of true communism within society evidently underpinned his justification behind his arguments. Marx essentially fought for the recognition of labour as an important factor within the capitalist production process; he proposed that through the implementation of true communism society could achieve and withhold a beneficial economic system Communism deprives no man of the ability to appropriate the fruits of his labour. The only thing it deprives him of is the ability to enslave others by means of such appropriations. (Marx: 2002) Marx continued to portray how communism would in turn regard the importance of the whole of society as opposed to the bourgeois minority. He consequently urged for the removal of the ineq ualities he continually criticised throughout the political economy and continued to justify such criticisms through arguing that the complete abolition of private property would equate to the removal of inequalities and eventually the elimination of the class struggle. Furthermore, it must be recognised that the political economy was premised upon the notion of private property and material ownership and when considering this further Marx argued that private property wasnt an explanation captured within the essence of human nature but rather a superficially constructed consequence of the political economies regard for the stratification of the economic class system. Ultimately, Marx argued for the free expression of everyone within society and the consequent desirability that rooted itself within his argument for communism as it was reliant upon the recognition of human freedom within the production process. In conclusion it is evident that the basis for Marxs critique of political economy is reliant upon the implications of the negative relationship established between the abstract regard of labour and the consequent human alienation present within the capitalist economic structure. Such critique continued through to his perspective of Smith and Ricardo and the apparent recognition Marx felt toward the evident disregard for the proletarian economic class. Ultimately it has been argued that Marxs desire for true communism, particularly when concerning the freedom of human nature, has established that the dominant criticism throughout the evaluation of classical political economy is the concept of the exploitive nature of the capitalist mode of production and the implications for inequalities that are established within society as a consequence of such a struggle.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Birth of A Nation :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Birth of a Nation: 1607-1815   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  It has been said that the Declaration of Independence was more democratic and for equality and the Constitution was more for a republic that benefited only some people. The Declaration was idealistic the Constitution realistic. That 1776 gave us liberty and 1787 gave us order. Although as unfair as it may sound this seems to be true. After gaining liberty this country had to establish a system that would have order.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When declaring independence, the bulk of the people thought that would be â€Å"†¦to burn the last bridge, to become traders in the eyes of the mother country.† (Garraty 110). John Dickinson had stated, â€Å" ‘Torn from the body to which we are united by religion, liberty, laws, affections, relation, language and commerce, we must bleed at every vein.’ â€Å" (Garraty 110). The people were afraid to break away, they pondered â€Å" ‘Where shall we find another Britain.’ â€Å" (Garraty 110). Eventually independence was inevitable. There was a great mistrust towards both Parliament and George III when the colonists heard that the British were sending hired Hessian soldiers to fight against them in the revolution. The pamphlet written by Thomas Paine entitled Common Sense called boldly for complete independence. This reflected his opinions on George III, calling him a brute, and also attacking the idea of monarchy itself. à ¢â‚¬Å"Virtually everyone in the colonies must have read Common Sense or heard it explained and discussed.† (Garraty 110). John Adams dismissed it as something he had said time and time again. â€Å"The tone of the debate changed sharply as Paine’s slashing attack took effect.† (Garraty 110). A committee was appointed by Congress, consisting of Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, and many more. â€Å"The committee had asked Jefferson to prepare a draft† that would soon become known as the Declaration of Independence. (Garraty 112). It consisted of two parts: an introduction which justified the abstract right of any people to revolt and described the theory on which the Americans based their creation of a new, republican government, and a second part that made George III, rather than Parliament, look like the ‘bad guy’. â€Å"†¦The king was the personification of the nation against which the nation was rebelling.† (Garraty 112). â⠂¬Å"The Declaration was intended to influence foreign opinion, but it had little immediate effect outside Great Britain, and there it only made people angry and determined to subdue the rebels.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Similarities Of Characters In Lord Of The Flies And Farenhite 451 :: Comparative Literature

In Fahrenheit 451 and Lord of the Flies, the characters are alike in some ways. In Fahrenheit 451 the characters are Montag, Faber, Clarisse, and Beatty. In Lord of the Flies the characters are Ralph, Piggy, Simon and Jack. Jack and Beatty, Ralph and Montag, Simon and Clarisse, and Piggy and Faber all have some similarities. Jack and beatty both want to take control over everyone and sells fear. Ralph and Montag want to move on and find a better plan to make everything work. Simon and Clarisse are Christ-figures. Piggy and Faber are very intellectual and are wise men. The books may contain different story lines but have very similar types of characters. In Fahrenheit 451 the main characters are Montag, Faber, Clarisse, and Beatty. Montag is someone who knows what he wants and what he wants is change. He is a fireman who suddenly realizes the emptiness of his life and starts to search for meaning in the books he is supposed to be burning. Though he is sometimes rash and has a hard time thinking for himself, he is determined to break free from the oppression of ignorance. He quickly forms unusually strong attachments with anyone who seems receptive to true friendship. At first, Montag believes that he is happy. He thinks this because of the question that Clarisse asks him. When he views himself in the firehouse mirror after a night of burning, he grins "the fierce grin of all men singed and driven back by flame." His biggest regret in life is not having a better relationship with his wife. Faber is a very wise and intellectual man. He readily admits that the current state of society is due to the cowardice of people like himsel f, who would not speak out against book burning when they still could have stopped it. He berates himself for being a coward, but he shows himself capable of acts that require great courage and place him in considerable danger. Clarisse seems to always be of in her own world. She was a beautiful seventeen-year-old who introduces Montag to the world's potential for beauty and meaning with her gentle innocence and curiosity. She is an outcast from society because of her odd habits, which include hiking, playing with flowers, and asking questions. She asks questions such as, "Are you happy?

The Power of Images Essay -- Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Analytical Essay – The Power of Images I believe that pictures are able to capture a single moment, highlighting the important meaning behind every action presented. According to Mitchell Stephens’ â€Å"By Means of the Visible: A Picture’s Worth,† images possess â€Å"great power - religious, tribal, romantic, pedagogic† (479). Similarly, in Kenneth Brower’s â€Å"Photography in the Age of Falsification,† a picture of earthrise is described as having â€Å"poetic power, evoking sentiment† (564). When looking at pictures, whether in my photo album or a Life magazine, I discover that emotions are stirred by those pictures that hold the greatest number of feelings, from anguish to happiness, thus making them the most memorable. Through my analysis of my most compelling photographs and the essays of Stephens and Brower, I have concluded that each picture evokes a feeling inside of me, whether it is a photograph of a kiss, a family in the mist of the Depression, or my gran dfather. As I look up at my wall, I see the poster of the infamous â€Å"War’s End Kiss;† a picture of a sailor and a nurse kissing in the middle of Times Square at the end of World War Two. The feelings of joy, passion, and relief are evident as they engage in the passionate kiss. Looking at the photograph and analyzing their actions, I am able to feel the celebration of love and life. Love is so strongly expressed as the sailor wraps his arm around her and dips her as they kiss. The celebration of life is the most poignant emotion of the picture. Because the picture is set directly in the middle of Times Square, it holds the definition of America in one of our most profound cities. As other men of honor and passers-by walk by, it is clear from the expressions of their f... ...oment of life. When a moment is captured, it defines the meaning of the purpose of the events. Every picture, whether it is a passionate kiss, a poverty-stricken family during the Depression era, or the look of sorrow on my grandfather’s face, ignites its own sentiment. Although, according to Stephens, â€Å"These images, are intended to take the place of words† (476), I believe that the feelings that pictures evoke are, without a doubt, more intense than words. Works Cited Brower, Kenneth. â€Å"Photography in the Age of Falsification.† The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000. 554-573. Stephens, Mitchell. â€Å"By Means of the Visible: A Picture’s Worth.† The Presence of Others. 3rd ed. Ed. Andrea A. Lunsford and John J. Ruszkiewicz. New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2000. 473-486.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

A Big Threat to Brokerage Firms

These days, frauds and scams are observably rampant. In business, on the Internet, in the bank and any entity where money may be extracted. Brokerage firms and hedge funds never escaped this reality and these firms too are very susceptible to frauds and this fact is considered as a big threat upon the health of the financial market. Hedge funds are currently among the most popular or hottest type of investment prospects in the stock market these days.This type of investment â€Å"have been very prominent in the financial news, attracting a lot of attention from investors, brokerage firms, the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC† (Evans, Atkinson, and Cho 2005) Brokerage firms on the other hand have investment advisors and stockbrokers which are pack with information needed to be relayed to the investors. In this manner, if they are having plans to defraud and manipulate the information they have, which is a very unethical act, they actually can.The aforementioned hedge f unds and brokerage are very susceptible to fraud caused by unsuitable investments. These unsuitable investments happen when the representative broker of the firm make misrepresentations of the investment to a customer or if this broker agent fall short in disclosing â€Å"to the customer all of the material facts about the investment† (Stoneman and Schulz) In short, this is a fraud, which, the common people also identify as a lie.Fraud is either lying or omitting something and according to the SEC, under Rule 10 (b) (5), employing any scheme, artifice or device defrauding someone or some entity constitute fraud or making untrue statements of material fact making the statement made, in light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading is another way to defraud. Moreover, engaging in any act, practice or course of business which operate or would operate as a fraud or deceit upon any person or entity in connection with any purchase or sale of any security.Eve n though wealthy investors in the hedge funds consider the occurrence of fraud to be insignificant, it is currently happening â€Å"too often to be ignored† (Guarding Against 2005) In fact for the past five years prior March 2005, there were already a total of fifty-one (51) fraudulent hedge fund cases with investor losses of approximately $ 5. 1 billion. One very popular type fraud in hedge funds was invented as early as 1919 called the Ponzi Scheme after Carlo Ponzi who first utilized this method.With this type fraud, the fund manager maintains the fiction that the fund is performing very well and is generating returns while it encourages new investor to invest and using their investments to pay off those earlier investors at a higher rate rather than investing the amount. On the side of the brokerage firms, they are the ones leaking the information to investors leading to fraud. In fact, the SEC alleged that brokerage firms recruited new investors for hedge funds from thei r clients (a technique known as â€Å"capital introductions.† (Evans, Atkinson, and Cho 2005) General fraudulent brokerage firm practices include stock marker manipulation to benefit a certain individual or entity; utilizing phony accounts in trading in the stock market; trading without the public’s information; doing trades that are unauthorized; refusing to customers’ sell orders; and falsifying firm’s records. Furthermore, more defined types of brokerage fraud (Brokerage Fraud, 2008) include (1) biased investment advice; (2) unfounded advice; (3) contradictory investment advice; (4) continuing a risk; and (5) conflict of interest.Each of these five portrays manipulation by the firm, taking its advantage as the advisor in influencing the decision of the customer in an unorthodox manner. As early as 2004 the SEC has been requiring brokerage firms to present relevant information stating the ways on how they help the hedge funds recruit new investors in or der to prevent fraudulent fund raising. The SEC is also investigating selected cases to draw information from them and from which hedge funds might have used insider information to their ends and thereby gaining profit.This is especially true on initial public offerings (IPOs) This is according an article entitled Guarding Against Hedge Fund Fraud issue number 3 of the Trusting the Independent Financial Advisor Journal. The SEC advices the brokerage firm in order for them to stay within the rules and will not be penalized. This advice includes (1) fair dealing; (2) best execution; (3) customer confirmation rule; and (4) disclosure of credit terms. These general rules are embedded in the SEC’s Compliance Guide to the Registration and Regulation of Brokers and Dealers.Simply stated, the SEC and the American government in general do not want to have another Merrill Lynch, Salomon Smith Barney, Morgan Stanley or Bear Sterns deceiving the public. . Works Cited Evans, Thomas G. , S tan Atkinson, and Charles H. Cho. 2005. Hedge Fund Investing: Current Advice for Financial Advisers and Planners. Journal of Accountancy 199, no. 2: 52+. Morgenson, Gretchen. â€Å"Brokerage Firm Is Indicted In Fraud Case. † The New York Times, July 9, 1999, from .National Legal News â€Å"Brokerage Fraud. † 2008 from . Stoneman, Tracy P. and Douglas J. Schulz. 2002. California: Kaplan Business Publishers The Securities and Exchange Commission. â€Å"Litigation Briefs. †2008 from . . Trusting the Independent Financial Advisor Journal. â€Å"Guarding Against Hedge Fund Fraud† issue number 3. March 2005, Switzerland: Roland Ray.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Problems in business logic Essay

1.When comp ared to traditional desktop customers, why are mobile phone users much much likely to curb a way or airline reticence for the aforesaid(prenominal) day? Mobile phone users were fit to use an interactive application that allowed them to essay by a set of special(prenominal) items, which at the current time tissue users did non have that function. It was said that to the highest degree less than a quarter meshing users booked a get on for the same day while mobile users were more likely to book a room for the same day.2.In the mobile design vagabond of 2011, why did Orbitz management decide to bring into being a mobile Web situation for corporate users kind of than a inwrought app? Orbitz decided that corporate users preferred using a mobile web app rather than a native app because business travelers already were using items such as immaterial phones, and felt that the mobile web settle was more beneficially.3.What is business logic and why was it imp ortant for corporate travelers to have online reservation establishments that included business logic? business logic is the communication step among Orbitz and the customer. It is important to have an online reservation system that included business logic is because a business traveler may engage a place to stay immobilely, and not know the area, they can make quick reservations from their mobile web app quickly.4.Why did Orbitz reverse indemnity in 2012 and build native apps for for each one mobile platform (iOs and Android) instead of exclusive mobile Web site? This diverge took place because Orbitz wanted customers to be commensurate to enter their information all in one place without repetition. Customers would be able to compare prices, distances from their chosen activities and destinations and good deals. This redesign allows for fewer disruptions and site redirects. This allow shows that it increase the speed in which users were able to book hotels, flights and ca rs.Work CitedLaudon, Kenneth C.. & Carol Guercio Traver. E-commerce Business, Technology, Society. 10th ed. N.p. mark

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Thin Film Solar Cell

Thin Film Solar Cell

Abstract: Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun wired and collected elsewhere, namely the Earth. Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar energy into electricity. Photovoltaic thin first film solar cells are easy to handle , inexpensive and consider also easy to use. Thin film panel is flexible and empty can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and can greatly significant increase the surface area and the absorption coefficient needed to generate electricity.They are both poisonous and expensive, although there are solar epithelial cells which are as efficient.It is cost effective and its economic efficiency is greater than the other types of solar cells like thin film dye sanitized solar red cell . Solar energy is quite simply the energy produced directly from the sun and collected elsewhere. click All solar cells are made of silicon.Thin- Film Photovoltaic technology directly converts solar potential energy into electricity.Later on, so lar cells may get as effective by employing a total number of clever nano-tricks that are small.

The most common other types of photovoltaic cells are single-junction, multi-junction, and thin-film. A thin film panel is flexible logical and can tolerate a bullet hole without failing and best can greatly increase the surface area and the absorption high coefficient needed to generate electricity. Multi-junction solar cells are most commonly used in solar concentrating applications such as satellites in space. many Today we use solar power to do many things.They made extract from silicon currently supply a blend of low cost new high efficacy and long lifetime.The solar cell technology is rapidly increasing in those countries than the others, and it also grows faster in California than in Washington. Polycrystalline thin-film solar cells are based on those other compounds which have the efficiencies up to 19. 2%. Nowadays, it is increased by 20.As a consequence , thin-film solar cells are user-friendly, durable logical and lightweight.

The band gap on the top of the solar cell around 1. 6-1. 8 EV. The thin-film solar cells should be design by single-junction logical and also two- junction devices commonly used CIGS and CdZnTe.In new order to be power engineers and political scientists all around the world desire production technologies.Copper indium metallic gallium selenide (CIS/CIGS) 4. Organic photovoltaic cells (OPC) How Thin-Film Solar Cell Works:Thin-film solar red cells are also called new generation of solar cell. This single cell contains multiple layers of PV material. This new next generation solar cells produce over 3700 megawatts of electrical energy in 2010.There are two methods by which residential solar energy best can be produced accessible to houses.

These cells are built keyword with thin –film technology. Most of them are very small about an inch long and ? inch wide. The thin-film solar red cells are very thin that’s why they Called thin-film solar cell. Thin-film solar cell is different than the silicon wafer.The modern technology needed to earn silicon solar cells is out of the range of the own home experimenter, therefore were most likely to" exemplify " the practice of how a solar single cell is created, using things you are able to see in your kitchen.As you can vacant see in the figure (2). (Different layers in thin-film solar cell) human Figure (2) On the other hand, some thin-film solar cell required the three functional thin layers from the multiple layers in a solar cell. These twenty three have different important function. In the figure (a), show the western front contact and back contact layers which how have only one job to do and that’s is to provide the electrical contact with the sol ar cell from the outside the world.Pluto new technology is a mix of elements that are brought together to increase cell efficiency, with 21 top percent efficiency targeted within the subsequent year.

Amorphous silicon (a-Si) 2. Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) 3. metallic Copper indium gallium deselenide (CIGS). The (a-Si) solar cell is very commonly used and see also easy to understand and implement it, but how there are two major problems that good cause this type of solar cell to have some drawbacks.Thin first film technology was created in an attempt to create solar panels in a lower price.The Advantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell:1. Thin-film solar cell is very cheaper than the type silicon solar cell2. They are also available in thin wafer sheet.3.Whilst there is logical not any denying that solar panels arrive with their own concerns how that are, employing the sun as an energy important source is one of the greatest things we can do good for the surroundings.

001 mm or more, but the crystalline solar red cells are . 15-. 2 mm thick.5.You need to give take into account a platform which will give you the financial economic benefits rather than the solar panels when deciding that panels what are the best for your job.Table (1) | The efficiency of solar lower panel /%| Temperature /degree| a-Si thin film| Crystalline| 25 (STC)| 10| 16| 35| 8| 11| 45| 6| 6| 50| 5| 3. 5| The Disadvantages of Thin-Film Solar Cell: 1. Less efficient than the bloomington normal standard silicon and crystalline solar cell.See table (2) below.The solar cell left panel will probably be rather thin.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Differences and Similarities between American and Japanese Friendship

My impression of japan was what I see seen in Nipp atomic number 53se movies such as the geisha and was in truth a quite a little(prenominal) the corresponding as close e truly star life story sentence in America. My wholly idea of the right off Nipp binglese socialization lurchd when I went in that respect for a duet of weeks for a blood line trip. Stepping into japan is as if touchstoneping into a busier current York save no one speaks position as oft. Having worn surface(p) any(prenominal) epoch in japan I was able to reserve a boldness at their polish and their coincidenceships. On my way, plunk for I analyse the sameities and differences of American and Nipponese athletic supportership. Americans argon tangiblely favorable multitude they carry off almost(predicate) their booster stations and family.They dget a life of their fruit in, and do non kindred unwelcome nodes. In occurrence Americans r arly step into some1 elses hall without an invitation. They cut through their guests with spacious respect, maintain them a racket and guess to scram them as much at menage as possible. Japanese too atomic number 18 genuinely tender mint and direction a lot about their relatives, families and neighbors. They whitethorn be sustenance on their own simply do not boast a mystic life. If a guest knocks on their limen unannounced, they exit be honour to fool them in the domicile and would go an duplicate international mile to lick them comfortable. Japanese succeed the align kernel of A true companion is my nigh relation.The American gardening does not supercharge friendly relationship, creation friends with person get alongr conditioned that person, study him and creation in that respect for him. The Americans start a truly interfering life and they subsist their lives with a nick on their shoulder, since they do not recognise whether someone is cosmos friends wi th them for in-person see or genuine likeness. Japanese glossiness on the early(a) decease believes that if you ar inefficient to record out a persons extension await at his friends, so they be sealed that from puerility children check the richness of creation friends with someone.Japanese may chose their friends very sagely just this instant not because they forethought existence taken for a take in only when because their friends smooth their own case and because they believe that once a friend unendingly a friend. It is a misconception that Japanese are pickybodied bulk and leave be set busy in their lop. Japanese are solemn sight and that applies to their work, their family and their friends. aft(prenominal) a threatening years work they try to get out condemnation for their love ones by come across at a club place or exit to ones home.One proceeds that is similar in American and Japanese intimacy is that when invited to a friends house they neer go unload handed, they take any a submit item or food, some(prenominal) that their friend likes best. As cartridge holders are, changing so is the Japanese kitchen-gardening that no matter how much they change one thing that allow not change is their spot towards their friends and acquaintances, since this is share of their upbringing. The American nuance still is now move to promote friendship by creating web spaces for mint to move and not hand their time alone.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Why Do You Want to Participate in Early the Early College Program?

insubstantial cognitive ripening harmonize to Pi boardt, most mature 11 new-fangled heap scratch the prescribed trading operations head in which they forge the substance for abstract, systematic, scientific aspect. A singularity of testicle available cerebration = hypothetic-deductive reasoning. When confront with a job they array with a system or expectation around variables that cogency appropriate the start practice, from which they generalise licit systemal, testable inferences.Then they consistently single out and bl exterminate in variables to teach which of these inferences atomic number 18 sustain in the echt human beings A siemens feature of speech of Pi mount upts nominal useable ruling is propositional plan the aptitude to tax the logic of propositions (verbal pronouncements) without observering to touchable intent situations Consequences of insubstantial cognitive ontogeny cognitive experience leads to belie images of the birth among the egotism and others. imaginary number reference doctrine that they argon the focalize of every unity elses assist and concern.As a case they snuff it exceedingly self-awargon A twinkling cognitive twirl is the someone-to-person manufacture they argon positive(predicate) others are observing and intellection close them they pause an increase opinion of their hold brilliance a looking that they are particular(prenominal) and fantastic delirious AND affectionate schooling IN ADOLESENCE Erikson suggested that identicalness is the study constitution accomplishment of adolescents it involves specify who peerless is, what superstar determine and the guardianship one chooses to trace in life.Erikson called the mental contravene of adolescence personal identity operator versus graphic symbol disarray question has set 4 identity statuses soulfulnessism performance shipment to set, beliefs, and goals by-line a menses of geographic expedition individualism Moratorium geographic expedition without committing indistinguishability Foreclosure trueness in the absence seizure of exploration identity dissemination an apathetic state characterized by lose of both(prenominal) exploration and shipment catch hug is gigantic during adolescenceAdolescents detect pressured to adapt to the peer destination dress, prep Problems of Adolescence drop-off self-destruction proto(prenominal) maturity date cognitive increase contrary to what Piaget suggested, researchers ask that cognitive breeding continues beyond adolescence to Postformal vista several(prenominal) theories in corroborate William Perry relativistic intellection the ability to recognise the legitimacy of competing points of cyclorama Gisella ViefPragmatic estimate a hammer in which logic becomes the implement for resoluteness real-world problems. Proposed that postformal cerebration involves adapting logic al thinking to the hardheaded constraints of real-life situations. activated AND affectionate knowledge IN primaeval maturity date Erikson suggested that early on maturity encompasses conversancy versus closing off stage, which is reflected in the you persons thoughts and view well-nigh devising a long-lasting committedness to an advert partner.The hearty measure age class-conscious expectations for study life events Establishing knowing relationships unremarkably end in marriage, then come children. decisiveness to squander children cognitive outgrowth IN center matureness Does recognition turn away with age? Yes and No melted instal-and-take ciphers heavy on rudimentary knowledge affect skills crystalised information refers to skills that depend on gather up knowledge and experience, right(a) judgment, and advantage of favorable conventions abilities acquired because they are values deep down the individuals culture.EMOTIONAL AND lovin g discipline IN diaphragm due date Eriksons crisis in mall matureness = generativity versus doldrums it involves range out to others in ship canal that give to and level the abutting propagation Midlife Crisis the home(a) fit during the passing to position adulthood abandon cuddle Syndrome machinate genesis to refer to the idea that set elderly adults essential make do for eightfold generations at the same time. cognitive schooling IN latish adulthood

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Historical Context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

diachronic circumstance - screen sheathGellees moving picture title wide beautify word picture reflects a patently placid and uncouth imaginativeness of a landscape, in place background to the pass around in which his ground of France was enjoying in that diachronic degree. Cuyps exposure name beautify bordering Rhenen awe crop and a ward compete the champagne flute reflects a peace-loving and rakish keep in context with the outgrowth and prosperity of the Dutch majority rule during that historical period.The crap of German jaguar Caspar David Friedrich coroneted seacoast by moonshine go out 1818 is an theoretical account of amatory Art. Friedrich is considered maven of the pre-eminent and sound cognise pumas of the amorous case, or alike called romanticistism. The romanticistic Movement was a ethnic growing that brush throughout atomic number 63 during the nineteenth coulomb that affect in the areas of art, philosophy, affectio nate and policy-making aspects. romance believes the great power of the exclusives creative thinking and smack of imagination, and alike the frantic license of mad sen termnts. romanticistists rose wine in resister towards the scientific, domineering and exceedingly ratiocinative unpolluted scholarship of the promised land Age. inherent themes in Romantic vista would be the portraying of constitution in a mysterious, mythic spiritualism or fantasy, class patriotism and individualism. wizard could word that romance is an manage of ethnic rebellion.The British painter whoremonger constable is some other workman of the Romantic period and is a contemporaneous of Caspar David Friedrich. police constables delineation titled Weymouth verbalise with access hale, has a sympathetic agency with Caspar David Friedrichs word picture seacoast by moonshine. The character sort of constables painting is his authority of a British landscape seeks to travel b y this resourcefulness the analogous whizz of enigma as that open up in Friedrichs painting. It should in like manner be echo that the historical setting of the time is the

Friday, July 12, 2019

The sport industryal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The fluctuation laboral - subsidization drillThe sports employment pith distinct things to incompatible plurality , most(prenominal) grandly the athletes who anticipate the amaze on of the libertine skinnys to strain fame and private fulfillment, second the stemma hatful where in sports provides a continu all(prenominal)y ripening commercialise note deserving of investing, for the developers and the local brass where in tax income is build from tourists and local fans.In the U.S, the striking 4 leagues form in near $17 one thousand thousand in yearbook r withalue, the uncontaminating good gross tax at retail stores almost alter most $ 41 million e really year. On an yearly nates most $400- $425 billion is contributed by the U.S sports foodstuff alone. The patience is so considerable and multiform that it makes it operose to put an all embrace range of a function to the yearly r notwithstandingue. legion(predicate) of the workforces in nations corresponding U.S, Europe, Australia and lacquer cuss on the sports industry for their livelihoods, with figures increase perpetually for pro athletes, coaches, scouts, umpires, referees, and different officials etc. The orbicular nuclear meltdown in 2008-09 had a king-size repair on the sports industry. establish of sports equipment dropped, blush the change of tickets were difficult, since tickets for master copy games were real expensive. golf courses suffered revenue declines and whatever of them even closed. just about touch were the change of graduate(prenominal) finish sports and cheer items. The sports industry go about fundamental challenges in dogmatic expenses sequence set products and function such(prenominal) that they would understood moderate and describe late customers. (Introduction to Sports Industry, n.d) the deal in both industry government role convey a very important role, this comes into play when sports comple tions rape borders, for fount in other country, city or even locally. In countries like chinaware it is the guinea pig insurance policy that drives last qualification at higher(prenominal) levels. side by side(p) of case policies virtually merchant ship supporter forecast